Tuesday, August 25, 2009

witty title.

Phew. Well I got through Week 5 Day 1. I ran by distance not time. And I will be honest it was a little tough. I burned 207 calories, had a total distance of 2.59 miles, and went for 36:21 minutes. I did all the running segments at 5 mph. I can't decide how I want to increase my speed with these next weeks. My right hip and left knee were kinda pissy by the end of my run haha. Afterwards I drove around in search of Rita's near my house. It took me a while to find it, but eventually I did (it was in a not obvious location). I got the Swedish Fish ice! delish. I am reading two books right now:

Both of them are good. The first one is about the flu epidemic of 1918. The second is about a guy walking the Appalachian Trail who is completely inexperienced. It's both humorous and motivating so far. Now I am watching 18 Kids and Counting. YES.


  1. P.S. My "word verification" for that last comment to post was "stoner." No lie.

  2. Yay for reading! :) And heck yes for 18K&C. :)

    I think all of our goals now is to pick up our speed a bit. :) We can do it! Honk!

  3. I want to borrow "walk in the woods" when you are done, I hope your knee and other hurting body parts get better soon, HONK
