Monday, August 31, 2009

Well, I got through Week 5 Day 3. What a killer. Not only was I grumpy the whole time, but it was TOUGH! Some of it was just me being in a bad mood, but boy, I pretty much wanted to quit. I mean, I was being a little dramatic, but a little not. Hahah. I got through it, at a not fast pace of 4.5 mph (I started at 5.0 mph but it was just not gonna happen the whole way). I burned 219 calories, ran 2.53 miles, in 36:02 minutes. I think I wanna start running longer runs outside. Inside is SO monotonous, and there is never a downhill to catch your breath and some motivation on. Since I've had a little recovery time, I can say that I'm really glad I ran, and that I'm proud of myself and want to keep going. Thank god I've got my geese!!

In other news, today's class was boring and tedious simultaneously. We are learning how to read heart monitor strips, and the class set up is just completely not logical. So there was that. Plus I asked Natasha for my schedule AGAIN. And she still doesn't have it. It is done, just not with her and not online in the computer staffing program. Sigh. So I know I work Wednesday. And pray I don't have a weekend shift. Not only is all the vocare stuff going on, which is fun and social, but it's my older brother's birthday dinner Sunday night. Grrr.

Random picture time. Here is one of me and my little brother on the first day of school. I was going to 5th grade... Patrick was going to 1st. Please notice how we are the same height. Hahah. The pic isn't great quality, as I scanned it from the original.


  1. I'm glad you ran. :) I definitely understand being dramatic while running - there is definitely the "ugghhhhh" and "huuuufffff" and "really? grrr...." from me almost every run haha. But I'm for real proud of you. :)

    I can't believe she still doesn't have your schedule done! Crazy nurse lady! I really hope you don't have to work this weekend, either. There is potential Rita's time with all of us AND your brother's bday dinner. *fingers crossed*

    HAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE that picture! And your brother totally looks like he's going into the same grade you are haha. Love it. :)

  2. Honk! way to go on the run! week 5 day 3 was a bitch for me, so i can relate.

    I can't wait to try Rita's I hope it works out. I've got a little less that 3 whole days up there with you guys and I can't wait!

    I think your bother and I had the same haircut back in the day, same cheeks too
