Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Get the ambulance ready

I changed jobs back in July right around the time of the Peachtree Road Race. Since then running has been pretty difficult for me. Working nights and taking care of AJ during the day and on days I don't work has left me with little energy for, well, anything really. But I recently started back in preparation for the Boston Mini-Marathon this weekend. I have to be honest, my motivation for starting back was solely based on not wanting to let Liz W. down. I told her I would run the race with her and whenever possible I try and be a man of my word. So thank you Liz for once again providing me with the motivation to get out there and run.

I have to be honest about something else too. I'm scared to death of this race. 13.1 miles is a lot. I thought the 15k was bad enough and its only 9, aaaand I trained a lot harder for that one than this one. But I do have hope because not only will I be running the same race as Liz W. but we are actually going to run the race side by side. I'm very excited about this. I have yet to run any race truly "with" someone and I think it will be great.

Here's to a good race! See you on the other side!

Oh, and HONK!


Monday, October 25, 2010

welp. i'm back in the game. good thing, as the 5K is fast approaching.

today i ran the week 5 day 1 plan. in three weeks hopefully i'll be able to run most of the "race." i am on vacation this week, so my idea is to run 5 days a week this week at least, and really i hope to continue that til the race but we will see. i was really encouraged because my knee held up through the entirety, and only my right hip gave me any trouble. i'ma have to start stretching a couple times a day regardless of if and when i run to help ward off any more trouble.

ok it was a short post, just to establish i'm back. woot! and honk, of course.