Wednesday, October 28, 2009

pre 5k test run

Tonight I set my Nike+ to "5k" to kind of see where I was. Now I'll preface what I'm about to say by saying that I know it will appear as though I'm making excuses, and maybe I am but there is no way my Nike+ thing was right! It said I ran 7 secs slower than my first 5K back in August. Tonight=41:56 and August=41:49. And I was really pushing myself tonight. Back in August I kid you not, an old lady speed walking passed me. That would not have happened tonight. So for my Friday run, since it is so close to the race I'm just going to recalibrate my Nike+. One lap at the track walking, one lap running. Nice and easy so I don't burn myself out before the race. Look for a brief post Friday then one Saturday.

Here is the chart from my run tonight, take it with a grain of salt:

Okay so I can't get my Nike+ thing going in regards to the online component. Anyway the run appeared to be pretty steady but I feel like the stats were off. Also I wrote this last night waiting for the Nike + to log into my account so all the "today's" should be "yesterday's"

Monday, October 26, 2009

....shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to, step to

Sorry for the delay in posts. I've started a new running schedule. My running days are on Mon, Wed, Fri. Mainly because I play softball on Tues and Thurs. Also I've stepped up my mileage in order to attempt a 10K at some point. The last 4 runs or so have all been 4+ miles 4.5+ if you include the warm up and cool down walks.

Sadly today was the first day i wasn't able to run that distance continually and honestly the only difference I can see is that I ran at the track. I still ended up running 3.7 something miles (.5 of which was walking) so it was still productive and more than the end of my Couch to 5K plan. The problem I had was I got a major stitch in my side and had to walk a lap. But I ended the run with a near sprint lap so it may have evened out.

The other problem I'm running into with the increased distance is finding a suitable route to run. I have a few neighborhoods i like to run in but I usually end up just winging the route. Roughly estimating in my head where i need to run in order to end up hitting the "end workout" button just as I get back to my truck or to my front door. What usually happens is I circle my truck in the parking lot a few times or run past my house then run back. Not a huge deal but kind of annoying.

Anyway the St. Johns road race 5k is this Saturday and I'm pretty excited to see how I do. My last time was 41:49 so that is my time to beat this Sat. Wish me luck!

And Honk! to you guys, I love you both and stick with it!


Monday, October 12, 2009

it's a comeback! kinda....

So I thought that a week without strenuous exercise would help my foot work itself out. Today was the day to try it out and see how it would go. The result was not that great. It started acting up pretty quickly, which bummed me out, but I ran for a while, walked a little bit, and then ran a while more, concluding with a cool down walk. I ended up going 2.34 miles in 32:33 minutes with a pace of 13:51 and burned 337 calories. It's not where I wanted to be when we started this thing, but it's okay because I'm still freaking determined to accomplish my goal. I'm hoping that by the end of this week I'll be back to the 3, 3.5 mile mark so next week I can start bumping it up a bit. But we'll see - we all know how well my body has liked my plans haha.

Back to today's run.......

I realized that once I got through the initial pain of the tendon, it kinda mellowed out a little bit. Once I would start to walk to relieve some of the pain, it hurt worse. So the running wasn't too bad. :) The only part that was kinda funny and made me slightly jealous was that the girl's softball team was running laps the same time I was, and a whole lot better haha. It did motivate a little bit, though. It's definitely the place I want to be - to run with seemingly no effort and to be able to just punch through a few miles and still be able to breathe when I'm done haha.

But anyway, I hope everyone's Monday went well! And if not, I'm happy that it's over for you. :)


Sunday, October 11, 2009


I agree with Liz W, we have been pretty slack about updating. I haven't kept up with a consistent running schedule but I have been able to get in 3 runs a week since completing the C25K plan. I decided to try and give the 10 plan on the cool runnings page a shot. I think some of what it asks you to do may be limited by my location and other factors but I know this, not having a plan is going to kill my motivation so i need to get one asap.

Here is my run from tonight:

I was quite amazed at how even it was. Slow and steady wins the race.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

just a little quicky

I love that we've become quite the slackers lately with the whole updating thing haha.

I just wanted to do a little update about this week. I haven't been running. I decided that maybe a week would give my foot some time to heal and get better. It's been a little bit sore in the mornings, but not too bad. So hopefully when I start back running on Monday it'll be pretty fantastic and mostly pain free. That's the hope.

Anyway, I hope everyone's week has been going well - much love friends. :)