Tuesday, March 30, 2010


its a little weird to be back at the beginning. especially since i feel like i've got old wounds i'm trying to overcome. the knee is still an issue. but i found some really good IT band stretches online:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9aJtO0VCqw (a video is nice to actually see what is going on)
http://coastalsportsmedicine.com/patient-info/articles/iliotibial-band-syndrome/ (this one has some good exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles)

hopefully i can actually be consistent about these, since i found a couple that don't seem too awkward, so i'll be more likely to do them. I started having pain around minute 11 or 12 i think. i'm hoping that i can get that to be later and later. (because if not, it would seem i'd have to take a serious break from running-- on purpose this time). oh i also ran in normal shoes today, just to see if my beloved toe shoes were the cause of my troubles. turns out it doesn't seem to be the case. i think i'm going to try to wear my toe shoes all week at the beach to get used to walking in them, and then start running in them more regularly (if all goes as planned with my running in general). it was a strange feeling to be running in warm weather, but an awesome one.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

my ankle is jacked up

Ankle: "oh hai! You thought u were going 2 be able to walk 2 nite?? Me: "why the eff are you doing this to me?!?" Ankle: *shrugs*

That was my facebook status last night. After my wonderful Saturday morning run I came home and laid down and slowly and surely my ankle started to hurt, so much so where I had Amanda get me some frozen corn (not whole ears) to put on it. But when I got up I couldn't hardly walk, like I really could have used crutches. After some sage advice from Liz W, I wrapped it up in an ankle brace and tried to stay off it as best I could. It feels much better this morning but still not ready to run on it.

Keep me and my ankle in your prayers.

Till next time


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday morning run

Nothing particularly special about today's run other than it happened on Sat morning which i never get to do because we are usually out of town or doing something. It went well. 2.27 miles. or so Nike+ says. Sometimes I feel like Nike+ is off a little. I still have leg pain after running for a long time, which seems like a no duh statement. But my right leg especially from the knee down. My foot gets kinda numb feeling, which is probably bad. The weather was nice. I'm taking a break until Tuesday though, maybe Monday...we'll see.

Till next time


Yep. True story.

I spent the past couple of days at Lake Blackshear and goodness gracious I didn't want to come back. But this means that I ran in BEAUTIFUL weather both times I ran this week. :) Yesterday's run went pretty well. It kinda made me realize that even though I may not always run the fastest or look the best when I run, or even look like the typical runner, but I am RUNNER. I had yet to make this realization, but I think running in the awesome weather provoked this thinking haha. So yeah that was a pretty proud moment. :)

I didn't run very far yesterday - I'm still trying to work up my mileage for the 10k at the end of April in the hometown. :) Later in the day and last night my left knee and shin was in a lot of pain, though. Not really sure where it came from, but it definitely didn't feel good. It was bad enough that it kept me up last night. I had a really bad night of sleep. :( But today it doesn't seem that bad. I was going to try to run today, but I really think I should wait until tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm on my way to building up my mileage for the next race and I'm excited about it! HONK!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3 miler

I went to the track today after work and ran. During the week I haven't been running all that far since the River Run and today I wanted to run longer than 2 miles or so. I went into the run thinking 3 miles and about halfway through I wanted to not only not do 3 miles but stop and walk. There is a quote out there that says something like "the pain of losing is temporary and the pain of quitting lasts forever" That is essentially how i feel when I run. I can deal with the pain that I feel when I run or God forbid the pain of putting up a slower time than I would like but to quit and not finish a race or to a lesser degree stop to walk, would be too much for me. Is that extreme? probably. Does it keep me motivated? absolutely.

Liz and I have been talking a lot recently about why we keep running. Why this is something we have stuck with when we've quit other exercise routines. The biggest reason I've stuck with this is I'm doing it with two of my best friends. They have kept me motivated and knowing that someone else is going through the same pains as you and the same triumphs as well, really helps.
Coming in a close 2nd for me is my competitive nature. Except this time I'm competing with myself. I set standards for myself and push myself so hard that if I don't achieve them I still have accomplished something great. But not achieving them is not an option. Stopping and walking today was not an option. Is it healthy emotionally or mentally? maybe not. But I'm going to keep running because of that mentality and until my body won't let me anymore, that's the way its going to be.
superfast update:

I'm back to square one, but that is better than not even being on the board. I went out for W1D1 workout yesterday in my toe shoes. It went well, i did have the obnoxious knee pain by the end of it, but i'm hoping with advil and a lot of stretching i can get back on track without having to stop for a week right at the beginning. actually the knee pain got infinitely worse at work since i had to walk up and down the halls all night long. i started looking up stretches while i was there, i made an ice pack; it was intense. ok well i have to go get ready for work round 2 of 2 so i can relish in my looong weekend off after that.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

On the road again.....

So I took a mini vacation from running. Only meant for it to be a week, but with the crappy weather Monday and Tuesday morning, I just couldn't do it. Especially since I knew awesome weather was to come. :)

The week off was good - it was hard to not run, but then again it wasn't too bad haha. Right now I'm on spring break from school and decided to come down to my dad's lake house at Lake Blackshear to work on my exit paper for school. That way I could get away from the hustle and bustle of my house and just sit and type for hours on end. Exciting, I know. BUT - I knew I was coming down to awesome weather that would be perfect for running. And so far I'm totally right. :)

I ran this morning for the first time since the race and I was a little nervous. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel or how my muscles would do. When you run it's not like you have anything to prove to anyone except yourself, and that was definitely how I felt this morning. I really just wanted to bang out two miles and take it slow since it's been a bit since I had run. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't incredibly hard, either. Don't get me wrong, I was totally counting down on my Nike+ to that 2 mile mark, but I was definitely proud of myself for being able to do that. Now I'll just start to build up my mileage back and start a training program for the half marathon.

The next race for me will be the Rose City Run in my hometown of good ole Thomasville, GA haha. It'll be pretty cool to run in my hometown, especially since I never thought I would run it! Then it'll be the Peachtree Road Race! That one will really be the big test since I've heard it's quite the beast haha. But it's all really exciting. :)

I must say that I'm really proud of myself. I think the 15k was a bit of turning point for me. It made me realize that I can do this type of running and that yeah, I'll have some rough runs and it'll be hard, but the reward of crossing that finish line is all worth it. It really helps to have such support from everyone and getting that push from my running partners in crime to keep going and keep at it.

Alright enough sentimentality - HONK!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"to nice outside not to run" run

I just couldn't help myself. I told myself "self, you need to take a few days off from running to let your body rest." Having run a 15K one Saturday and ran during the week after then a 5K the following Saturday, my body was feeling it. And I was doing good there for a couple days but today rolled around and it was just so damn nice outside! So I ran. It went pretty well. My Nike+ plus said I ran a slower pace than the 5K on Saturday in Adel but it sure felt like I ran faster. I felt like I was pushing myself pretty hard. But regardless of what Nike+ plus says, I was pleased with myself tonight.

I plan on running as soon as I get off work Thurs, which should be around 3 and running like last week, then going to the track with Amanda while she does Couch to 5K. Good day to be a runner!

Till next time.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Adel Kiwanis Club 5K

Yesterday morning I ran the Adel Kiwanis Club 5K. It was really cool to be in my hometown. The race started and ended at the track/football stadium which was cool. Brought back a lot of good memories. The race itself was kind of rough to be honest. Having just run a 15K a week prior I feel pretty okay with my time of 37 mins 3 secs. That is the slowest time since my very first 5K, but still faster than that time by more than 3 mins.

I have to say that at several points I wanted to stop and walk which is something I don't do (walk that is, I want to stop and walk all the time). I maybe even wanted to stop and walk during this race more than during the 15K. I just felt like my legs locked up on my from the knees down about a mile into the race. They were tight and burning almost the whole way and I really had to concentrate hard on my iPod while I was running (not just stare at it but concentrate on the music being played, smart ass).

All in all it was a good day. I got to see several friends from high school, including my two best friends Amanda Taylor and Tabitha Jenkins, who came out to cheer me on, thanks ladies!

I've decided to take a page out of Liz's book and take a few days off. I'm only going to walk while Amanda does her Couch to 5K runs at the track (she completed Week 1 Day 3 today!) and I'll probably start back Thursday with some hardcore running.

Till next time


Friday, March 19, 2010

busy afternoon run

So yesterday I had things all planned out: Get off work at 3, have a nice run, wait for Amanda and AJ to get home then go to the track with them and walk AJ while Amanda completed Week 1 Day 2 of the couch to 5K. Well all that happened but with a big steaming pile of crap right in the middle.

We had a girl call in sick to work today and I had to cover part of her shift from 5-7. So I did end up going home, having a nice run, then going back into work, then I went to the track, fed AJ, pushed him in the stroller while Amanda ran, then went home. All in all a busy afternoon.

My run went well. 2.67 miles or so around my neighborhood. I have this route worked out to maximize the distance while not really feeling like it takes me as long. Basically I combine laps around the block with figure 8's around the block and it doesn't feel like I'm running as much as I actually am. Plus it has the added bonus on eliminating street with the bigger hills and I actually run downhill more (I know that doesn't seem possible but I promise it works, either that or my neighborhood defies the laws of physics...). But I'm pleased with how things went.

I have a race in Adel in the morning! I'm very excited, bringing my running prowess to my home town! Woot Woot!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

new things

So the first run after the River Run 15k was a night of new things. We tested the running stroller and I have to say I hated it. 100% pure and simple. When you run your arms move plain and simple. In situation where you run and your arms potentially don't move, like on a treadmill, you can hold onto some handles and what you're holding onto has some weight to it. Not the case with a running stroller. Any weight you put to bear on the stroller will immediately pop the front well and it just makes for very awkward running if you aren't used to it. So we'll see if its something I can get used to or if we may not be making much use of the running stroller.

The other new thing (and much more exciting if you ask me) is as of last night Amanda officially started the couch to 5K program! She did great and today she said she was pretty sore but felt good overall. The plan is for us to stagger our running days so that on days when she run I'll have AJ either just at the house or at the track and I'll walk with him and vice versa. I have to say I'm really proud of her and I'm already looking up potential races to be her first.

Big things a doin in the Harrell household!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I still can't believe it!

I ran a 15k. Wait, what? I actually started and finished a 15k. Dang. That's intense.

I'm still in shock and happiness that this actually happened. You wouldn't have thought this would have happened at the start of the race because, as Matt can concur, I was slightly freaking out as we were waiting to start. I was starting to get nervous and anxious about the pain that could come during the race. If you've been keeping up with our little blog, I have some tendon and knee issues that cause me a lot of pain. Sometimes this pain comes on pretty early in the run and sometimes not. So I was definitely worried about the amount of pain that could happen. This freaking out didn't start until we were lined up and time was getting closer and closer to crossing that start line. It was kinda crazy. Matt just kept looking at me saying, "You can do this - it'll be okay." And the crazy part is that once I started running, all those feelings of nervousness and being anxious went away. It was like I was doing something normal......just with about 15,000 other people.....all at the same time haha.

Like Matt said, the course was awesome. We ran by the river and over the river - twice! It was awesome. Once we got to the river I just wanted to stop and look at the view. The people of Jacksonville were awesome, too. It was like this was a party and everyone wanted to come out and play. At the river, one of the girls held a sign that said "You're not slow, you're just enjoying the view!" Which definitely made me laugh and even agree because I was totally enjoying that river view! This is also the place were the mimosa station that Matt mentioned was. We went through really expensive houses and the frat like houses, and all the folks were having a good time. Lots of people were grilling out and one house had a beer table and and liquor table. Some folks even had stereos outside turned up so that the runners could hear the music. It was just an awesome environment.

I did have to walk a few times, but I totally ran the majority of it. Here's a testament that God answers prayers. I prayed good and hard to not have the type of pain I've been going through, and sure enough I was good to go the whole time. And I kept Matt in pretty close view when we weren't running together. But let me tell you - the minute I knew that we were coming up on the last mile and half ish and that last bridge was next, I was PUMPED. I knew I wasn't running up that dern incline, but I knew that I was busting my tail to get to the end once I got to the top. And I totally did. I was so excited I was grinning like a fool. Especially when I could see the end. It was an awesome feeling knowing that I was about to accomplish something that I never thought I would ever do. And getting to the finish line knowing that I was under my goal time was awesome.

I could go on and on about how cool this experience was, but I'll cut it down. :) Here's a shout out to Leigh Hall - they totally played the Chariots of Fire theme song at the start of the race. Definitely thought of you. :)

Many, many thanks to Amanda, AJ, Sarah, and Terri for cheering us on this weekend. It was awesome to see and hear them both at the beginning and the end of the race and then dealing with us whining about how much it hurt to move the rest of the day. And lots of thanks to Matt and Liz B. for thinking up this whole running scheme and allowing me to start with you. Ya'll have been so motivating and supportive and it's just been freaking cool. It's been awesome and I can't wait until we all get to run together again!

I can't wait until next year's race - it's gonna be awesome!

Gate River Run

So yeah, we did it! Liz and I finished the race both of us under our goal time of 2 hrs and 30 mins. I have to say I am very proud of both of us. I've had a least one person tell me who had run this race before that it wasn't an easy race and I tend to agree. There is a lot I could say but here are the highlights. We ran through some of the coolest and nicest neighborhoods in Jacksonville. The people of Jacksonville treat this race like it is a part of their city and it showed. People lined the streets to cheer on the runners and even stuck around for the people in the back like me. There was a "mimosa station" (not an official station of the race, it was in someone's front yard). Many of the racers had their names on their number sheets that were pinned to their shirts and when you ran by they would cheer you on by name, which was really cool.

As for the race itself, it wasn't easy. That actually had very little to do with the terrain, save one or two places. But overall it was flat terrain with some inclines. Very scenic though. I wish I could say at this mile I felt like this and at this mile I felt like this but its all a blur. It was easier at first then it got hard towards the end. Thats about as much detail as I can give. Liz and I stayed within eyesight of each other the whole time which i was glad about and I finished just barely ahead of her. We both wanted to pace ourselves and not expend to much energy early. In fact we stayed together for the first mile and a half or so, doing the first mile in almost 15 mins, which for our shorter runs during the week would be slow but for this was about what our pace ended up being.

The worst and the best part of the race for me was the Hart Bridge. It was a loooong steady incline that seemed to last forever but once it turned into a downhill slope and because we were so close to the finish line it was the best part of the race. At the end everyone got medals and while I wanted to keep wearing mine around like Kurt Angle (okay so I did wear it Cracker Barrell after the race) it's hanging on my wall instead.

Lastly I have to say thank you to my running cohorts, Liz and Liz. Girls I couldn't have done this without you. At several points along the way I've wanted to quit and you guys whether by texting or IMing me saying "go run!" or just by getting out there and running yourself you motivated me to stick with it and I love you for it (I love you for other reasons too but thats another blog for another time). So thank you and I can't wait for the next race!

this is just a shout out post, because the world knows i'm not even pretending to run these days. so without further ado:


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

15 WHAT???

If you don't want to read gripes and pains, skip down a couple paragraphs to the happy part. :)

This weekend is the 15K in Jacksonville. Goodness gracious. It's definitely not going to be easy, that's for sure. Once I hit the 5 miles and then the 7 miles, my body decided that it was TIRED. Every time I've run after each of the long runs, it's been really hard. For example, I went out on Sunday with the expectation of going anywhere from 2-3 miles, no problem. I ended up having to WALK for 2 miles because my legs could not get it together. Each time has been a real struggle to find my pace and get in a good rhythm. Tomorrow is the last time I'm getting out on the road until the race on Saturday. I just really want to be comfortable out there, but it's been really hard.

The day I did 3.25 miles, it was awesome. I had a good pace, a good rhythm, and nothing hurt. I felt like I could've just kept going. I LOVED that feeling. And now I'm frustrated that I can't find that feeling again. I haven't been able to feel that good at the end of a run since then. That's just freaking frustrating. On one hand, my body has never had to run this much continually EVER so it could still be getting used to all this. But on the other hand, I've done all this and come this far - why can't my body just do what I want? I'd rather feel the pain of a good run/workout than the pain of an agitated muscle/tendon/overall body. I really hope that once I get over this hurdle, it will be back to good runs/workouts.

Alright, now for the happy stuff. :)

I did 7 miles. And it was FREAKING HARD. But I think I have a way of focusing my thoughts away from the pain that comes with all this running. Listening to a book on my iPod. Now, the book that I needed to pick would have to be something that would keep my attention and not seem like someone just droning on in my ear. So my book of choice? Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. I've read all the books, so I know what's going to happen, but I also know that it will keep my attention and keep me interested. I used it when I did the 7 miles, and let me just tell you that I didn't pay attention to the time or anything. I stopped and stretched when I needed to and it really just kept me calm and not worried about how fast I was going or what was hurting. So I'm really hoping that it'll pull through for me this weekend.

I'm definitely excited about this weekend. I'm excited to see how I do and just plain excited to be somewhere other than home. Like a mini vacation. With a 9,44 mile run that's gonna make me want to die haha. And I get to see some of my family and hang out with them for a little bit, so I'm definitely excited about that. :) It's going to be a good weekend and I'm pretty pumped. So the next time you see me update, it will be post 15K and hopefully a good post at that!