Thursday, May 12, 2011

more walking, which is distantly related to running

Today Matt and I were going to walk and talk on the phone at the same time, but our schedules were pretty much exactly opposite, so we had to split up the walking. Anyway. I think I really enjoyed my walk. I don't really even remember thinking about the walking as I was doing it, I was just daydreaming about whatever, which I think is a good sign that I enjoyed it. I actually took a mini walk on the beach and a more purposeful walk on the street. During the walk on the street I saw two live crabs and one dead snake! (at first I wrote snack instead of snake. gross). The crabs were little, their bodies were about the size of a quarter, and I was surprised that they were just hanging out on the curb in two different places. The snake was maybe 18 inches long, and nondescript. Well, I say that, but if I were a snake scientist I might disagree. The other day I saw probably a 4 ft long snake that was still alive, smack in the middle of the path to the beach, but the second he caught wind that my Mom and I were headed towards the patch of sun he was lounging in, he quickly bolted for the thick ivy nearby. He didn't want anything to do with us. Since then I've taken to looking for him, but no luck thus far.

Anyway, this isn't supposed to be just my personal wildlife blog. Moral of the story- I liked my walk today and I'm surprisingly looking forward to one tomorrow, as well as maybe some biking. Who knew I'd voluntarily like exercise?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

little engine that could

well, still no running, or jogging, even. But I did get in my walk today. And I was right, it was infinitely easier to just get out there today, now that i didn't feel doomed to fail. There was no arguing back and forth with myself, no feeling of dread or avoidance. I assumed I'd go walk after lunch, but I wanted my food to digest a bit first because for some reason, my body gets really displeased if i try to incorporate too much activity too soon after eating or even drinking. In fact, it pitches a tantrum in the form of killer side stitches stopping any exercise plans in their tracks, ambitious or otherwise. So I hung out on the porch and read for a while before heading out. But even then, it was just kind of like, "well, it's time to go," and then I was out there. After I got back, I did stretch a little bit, sort of picking out some yoga moves and modifying them into static stretches. So I didn't do the DVD or anything, but I did dip my baby toe into the metaphorical yoga pool. Today, I give myself a gold star.

someday I'll be a runner again, i'm sure of it

This poor blog is all dusty and neglected, huh? Well, I'ma swiffer it till it shines. I tried to run W1D1 with Cory. The ol' IT band was none too pleased. And by that I mean, by the end of the jog I was in agony from both knees and the right hip flexor. Apparently the tendon gods are demanding I give some attention to those yoga DVDs I bought a couple months back. Which I mean, I want to do anyway, it's just finding the motivation I suppose. sigh. ok ok, I'll start looking harder. Found some: a Yoga Body should be motivation enough, huh? Done. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i didn't run, per se

uh, i might have only run for half a minute, but i got to use my cool heart monitor and distance calculator i got from cory for my birthday. so i'm counting it. my max heart rate was 176 and the average was 139 over 27:13 minutes and 1.75 mi. I am kinda wondering if I actually have it calibrated right... at one point it claimed my pace was 6:51 min/mi and i just doubt it was actually that fast.. just sayin. it reported my average pace to be 15:32, which seems accurate since i was really just walking to the library to drop off a DVD as an excuse to wear my gadgets. although it would be really cool to be able to run an entire mile at that pace, instead of just like 10 feet at that pace.

For my stretching, I did some stuff from my yoga book. I have recently been made aware of just how NOT flexible I am. sooo the yoga is supposed to help. when I actually do it. anyway. on one of my recent unintentional all-nighters, i went through the book and checked off the moves I could easily do and made a couple goal moves and routines. cory is supposed to be doing yoga too because he is eternally knocking things over, bumping into things, etc. i mean, i know he grew up in a household of boys, but geez. can you say bull in a china shop?

anyway, yoga. I ordered some dvds as well that should arrive this week! i'll keep everyone posted on how they work out; i am sure you all are really curious.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Not as positive this time, but still productive...maybe.

I ran yesterday. I meant to run on Wednesday, but didn't get out of the house really. Why, you may ask? Because of a thunderstorm. And my dog Millie. For any of you that know me, Millie is my terrier mix and she's just so dern cute. She's pretty awesome and does really well with other dogs (for the most part - so far only there's only one dog we've met that has been a problem) and there's not a whole lot that seems to bother her. Except thunder. I was planning on taking it easy on Wednesday and going to the gym in the afternoon, but my plans were derailed when all the rain came to town. There was a massive thunderclap that seemed right outside our house and Millie bolts out of her crate, barks twice, and makes a beeline for me. And then she curled up in a ball right next to me with a look that said, "Make it go away!" Since I wasn't sure how long the rain/thunderstorms were going to last, I didn't want to leave her at the house all by herself. I'd rather not have her freaking out in her crate and possibly hurting herself. So like a good doggie mom, I stayed and comforted my little cute doggie. :)

All of that explains why I went yesterday instead of Wednesday. I got to the gym ready to bust out another mile, maybe even a little more, and get my stretch on before I do anything. My muscles were still just a little bit sore, but nothing like they were the day after I ran last time. I'm feeling pretty confident, do a couple of warm up laps, and off I go. For one lap. Dude, my muscles, particularly my calves, were SCREAMING at me to stop. I ended up running a lap, walking a lap, etc, etc. It wasn't what I really wanted to do, but I don't think I could've done anything more about it. So my time was a little slower than when I ran the whole time, but hey, at least I got out there! :)

I was planning on running tomorrow, but then remembered that I had to be that the Diocese of Atlanta's ministry fair and didn't really want to get up at the butt crack of dawn to go run. So maybe after I'm done at the Cathedral I'll go. Depends...haha. I've still got the motivation factor going for me and I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to stick to my schedule of sorts once again. :)

Here's to a new start and new running fun - HONK!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Back in the saddle, on the wagon, and all those other euphemisms.

I ran today, which isn't the first time I've run since the Candlelight Tour Run, but the first time I've run with purpose and excitement. I've really wanted to get back out there and get running again, but my motivation has been pretty thin lately. I really have to credit today's run to three different things: 1. My best friend from high school, Susan, has started running and we were hanging out with with another one of our high school friends and she made a good point about running - it's mind more than matter and to just set your mind on it and go for it. 2. Lent is starting this week and part of Sarah B's Lenten discipline will be to run more. Which made me want to run more myself. 3. It's just about dang time that I get out there. So between my two great friends and myself, I found myself at the gym today.

All day I was telling myself that I needed to go run, either outside or at the gym. Not only is it good for me to run, but the Rose City Run is at the end of April, followed shortly after with the Peachtree Road Road Race and I really want to be ready for both. The few sporadic times that I have run lately I haven't run very well, and I just took Susan's advice and told myself that I would run a mile straight without stopping. Which may not say a lot, but I really wasn't sure that I could do it anymore. It probably sounds funny since both we've done so many races, but I thought that I would have to start back at the beginning and work my way back up to longer distances. Thankfully I now know that I can do it and I'm pumped to start working on my distance even more. :)

So here's to all three of us to getting back on the wagon, back in the saddle, lace up our shoes once again and be even more awesome than we already are. HONK! :)