Friday, August 21, 2009

5:20 am, rise and shine.

So. Week 4 of work- done. Week 4, day 2 of training- also done. Lemme just give a run down of my day:
5:20 wakeup
6:15 leave my house- coffee and a granola bar for breakfast on the way to work.
8 am- morning assessments
9 am- morning meds, during which I looked like an idiot for the first of many times today trying to work the IV pumps.
10 am- I am left to fend for myself for close to an hour while my nurse had to go to this seminar thing for close to an hour
11:30 am- my nurse is back and we have to cover another nurses patient load while she goes to the seminar.

2 PM- still no lunch. the other nurse gets back, but also hasn't eaten, and won't take our patients.

2:30- I almost start crying in the hallway because I'm tired and haven't had a real meal all day and have been working for 8 hours with no break at this point.
Finally we got lunch and I perked up plenty to finish the shift.

4pm- I transfused blood for the first time, that was tedious.

5pm- I did NOT have to attempt to start an IV because the patient's veins were no where to be found.

7:22PM- Clock out. Praise Jesus.

And then you know what I did? WENT TO THE GYM. That's right. I'm that hardcore. Hahah. Yeah something like that. The soles of my feet were pretty sore from the day, but the run wasn't too bad. I had to go a little slower than I would have liked due to some side stitches, but I got through it even after my draining shift.

Now I just finished my dinner of a lean pocket and cheddar bunnies, and bunny graham friends hahaha. It's like a dinner fit for a 7 year old. On a different note. I think I wanna buy this pricey-ish coffee maker. As part of my first official paycheck. Because I hate making coffee, but I'm trying to wean myself from Diet Coke, and I just like the idea of a coffee routine on my way to work.


  1. way to go! I know you had a crazy day but I am way proud of you. You did awesome today. HONK!

    That coffee makes looks intense. I drank coffee that would be pretty sweet though i'm sure.

  2. What a long, tough day. Maybe you could stuff some sort of snack in your packet in case that ever happens again? Probably not a possibility, but that's what I do. I shove a few goldfish in my mouth in between classes sometimes. Anyway, it's so great that you made it through. Hooray! Huzzah! Yippee!

    You know how I love my Keurig coffee maker. I get excited to brew my own coffee every. single. morning. No kidding. You get to choose a cute lil K- cup (I am a fan of the variety packs because I can match my coffee to my mood), and it tastes so yummy. I would suggest looking on ebay if you want to buy the machine. I researched and found the best deals there. Yay!

  3. Yay! I'm so proud of you! :) That's intense! Look at you running after a freaking long shift and Matt running a 5k and me getting up extra early to run - we're so dedicated! :)

    Girlllllll I LOVE my coffee in the mornings. I vote yes. :) And totally try to shove and type of bunnies in your pockets and chow while walking down the hall haha. :)

  4. Thanks guys!! Yeah, from now on, if my lunch is delayed at all, I'm taking a minute break to snack, just enough to get my blood sugar back up til I can take a real break.

    Wow, Tiff, that is a strong recommendation :) I want that coffee maker!!
