Monday, August 24, 2009

And now for your daily wildlife report...

Today, I saw a dead:

Poor little guy, all run over and such. Anyway. I did my Week 4 Day 3 run and it went pretty well. Once again, I was going up a pretty steep hill for my last 5 minutes, so that was a little rough. But I made it through and I don't have work tomorrow, so I'll be able to run then too, pretty much getting me back on track. Today we had our IV training day at work, which was, for the most part, exceptionally boring. And some of it I had already had already heard because I'm one of the few people from Hillandale and it was part of our hospital wide orientation. Then it didn't run as long as it said. Idk the day was just weird.

On a positive note, rafting yesterday was awesome. I was really grumpy and didn't want to go because I was tired and didn't want to drive, etc. Also I didn't want to be tossed out of the raft, and got nervous, no surprise. But once we went through the first rapid or two, I loved it. Even though I feigned otherwise and complained and acted scared haha. I even "rode the bull" (sat on the front of the raft) for the last rapid. Ok, for the first 10% of the last rapid, until I was quickly knocked back into the boat by one wave, then accosted by about 17 more, all of which managed to clean out my sinus cavity. Afterwards we stopped at some... "Greek/Italian" place. Right, something like that. Anyway, I had the best Sprite of my life and some mediocre pizza, then we hopped in our cars to head home, making a stop at the Sonic at one point, during which most of us got out of the car and ran around the parking lot like idiots. I blame exhaustion for that delirium. Either way a grand time was had by all I think. I stumbled in around 10:30, and got to sleep around 12ish. Which made my 6:30 wakeup call pretty terrible, I'll be honest haha. But I got through the day thanks to some midmorning hot chocolate.


  1. That sounds awesome! Although give me the lazy river and any water park over rafting anyday.

    Congrats on completing week 4! I found week 4 to be pretty tough overall. Do you always have a hill at the last 5 min segment?

  2. Dude, I totally agree with Matt - I highly enjoy the lazy river at the water park. :) But I've had fun rafting a couple of times.

    Yay for Week 4 all done!:) And heck yes for getting back on the original schedule you had. I'm so impressed with how you've made running fit your new schedule at work and whatnot. And Week 4 was def a hard one for me too.

  3. I tried to run a diff route today to avoid 5 min of uphill running, but I failed haha. Yeah week 4 was no walk in the park.

    I love water parks!! I don't even care about the E. coli history!! I wish there was a lazy river in my neighborhood.
