Monday, August 17, 2009

This is a test, this is only a test

So I decided after having a lot on my mind all day that I needed to blow off a little steam with a run. Since today wasn't a scheduled running day and I have the 5k coming up I decided to do the "run until I can't run anymore run.". Thinking my usual 29 minutes was really high I set that on my watch and set off. I started off with the standard 5 minute warm up and when that was done started into my run. I really tried to slow up my pace so I could go as long as possible. Also I was running around the inlaws neighborhood so I didn't feel a need to measure my distance which would have caused me to run faster and maybe have to walk at some point. All that being said here is a pic showing how much I ran without stopping;

I ran for 24 minutes! I could have kept going! I decided to stop cuz I didn't want to push myself too much but I can't tell you how awesome this feels. I am very very encouraged. There were a lot of hills in the neighborhood so that also makes me feel good. I was going at a snails pace but still. Yay!


-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Matt, I am really thrilled for you. That is really inspiring! Best wishes for continued success!

  2. Holy eff dude. That is phenomenal. Way to go!!

    Not only the length of time you ran, but the fact that you ran on your day off, and that it's turned into a stress buster, its just so impressive. So... I think you are officially. A Runner. :) love you!

  3. Heck yes! I'm proud. :) I'm so proud that you ran 24 minutes STRAIGHT! Heck yes! (again).

    I concur with Baykur - you are a RUNNER! :)

  4. I was just so surprised, it felt really great to look down and see minutes left on the countdown and be like "holy shit, I can do this and then some!"
