Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!

Well it wasn't a gorgeous day today, but running wasn't nearly as hot as it could've been.  It was nice and overcast with a little bit of a breeze, so I didn't sweat nearly as much haha.  I went the same route as last time I ran from my house, which was by the Avondale Lake.  There's a slight incline on the way back, of which my calves were not a fan. Because of the incline, the last minute of the 3 minutes was pretty killer.  But I did do an extra 90 sec run after the normal reps were done. This was mainly because I still had a fair amount of distance to go and didn't feel like walking the rest of the way.  So today I was a slight overachiever.  And guess what Matt?  I picked up the pace a bit with that last 90 secs too!  You should be proud haha.  But here are the ducks and a baby duck that was by the lake:

For lunch I met up with Liz B at Mellow Mushroom for followed by the amazing Rita's. :)  It was a pretty fantastic combo. :)  Here's our Rita's yumminess:

And Liz looks slightly like a creeper.  But a creeper eating awesome Rita's. :) OH!  I also decided that having good running shorts is imperative.  I have three that are my most comfy, but only one out of the three are my favorites.  The only problem with the three is that they stick to me pretty good once I'm been going for a few minutes.  So I guess soon I'll be investing in some more running shorts.  Hopefully ones that won't stick to me too badly.

Okay, I'm done now.....for real. :)  Yay for Week 3 Day 2!  Almost to Week 4!  Say whhhhaattt???? :)


  1. Good for you! I don't think picking up the pace at the end of the run should be a requirement or anything but I always feel more accomplished if I do that. And way to go on the extra 90 secs too! I am way proud.

    I usually set my watch to 28 mins and do a countdown deal. Again, only so i can feel more accomplished.

    Also we've established something that Liz W and I do/did together without Liz B (Vocare) and you guys have something you do without me (Rita's) so now Liz Baykur and I need something to do without Liz W. And in the end we can all run together!

  2. "there were two ducks and one walked away"- Liz W.

    Way to go on the bonus running!! My runs seem to always end up being uphill and just about killing me. Maybe I'll find a way to time one so I have energy to add a little bonus running myself. :)

    Also, I enjoy looking like a creeper, thank you very much. Haha.

    Yeah Matt, think on something we can do.

  3. The eyes are too silly/whimsical to be a creeper, manic maybe?

  4. Man, this is making me crave more Rita's. Yikes. Thank God we're all running haha.
