Monday, August 10, 2009

my legs hurt

I tried to think of something clever for the title of this post. But I'm too tired to think all that clearly. Week3 Day 1 kinda kicked my but. It wasn't as bad as week 1 when i got the times swapped but it was as close as I've gotten since. The worst part was my shins and calf muscles hurt at the end of the 3 minute sections. And not like shin splints but like the muscles were just like "whoa! too much! aaaahhh!"

I may have overstated how tired I got. But it worked me pretty good. I missed running yesterday, hence the Monday run. But it was worth it cause I got to spend the weekend with Liz W. Liz, I told Lauren Woody today that hanging out with you and spending time together was the main thing that kept my work issues from dragging down the whole weekend. You're awesome and I love you!

I am running tomorrow, so yay for back to back!

And now it's time for another installment of the random picture series!

That's me as Bill Cosby and Amanda as the priest from M*A*S*H* (I can't remember his name) at the Wesley Foundation Costume Karaoke party at Fox's Pizza!



  1. Way to go Week 3!! Maybe try to slow your pace a little bit during the running parts? Dunno if that would help.

    Mad props to Liz for being a good goose this weekend. Just sayin.

    Nice picture. :)

    Also, I really like how you personified your muscles talking. Thank you.

  2. Yay Week 3! And I'm totally glad we got to run together this weekend. :) Even if it put your muscles in overdrive.

    I'm totally glad that we got to hang out this weekend - it def would not have been nearly as much fun without you! Honk!

    Freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture.
