Tuesday, September 1, 2009

clever title.

I had a good run!!!! (W6D1) I was really starting to get run down, in all honesty, and a little discouraged. I felt like running was just one more thing I had to do, on top of my scary, time consuming, and exhausting new job. Not only that, but adding an activity that makes me feel like I'm dying because I can't breathe and I have side stitches... well its just not a great motivator. Today though, most of the time, I didn't really notice that I was running. I kinda had to estimate a little bit on my timing, but according to GoogleMaps, I completed 2.6 miles, in 29 or 30 minutes. My iPod did a good job of giving me good running songs, and I didn't really hurt too much today. My right hip does give me a little trouble towards the end, but I'm getting better at stretching so I'm doin ok. ALSO! I ran a little extra so that I could get to run down the big hill, and then not have to run up it again. So that helped the motivation for sure. In the sidewalk, besides the place that says "YOUR MOMM" there is a place that says "LOVE" which just seemed nice and positive for today. I thought it might rain while I was out there, but it didn't.

Anyway, thanks so much for being so continually encouraging. I'm pretty sure I would have given up before today without yall. And obviously I am so so glad I didn't :) Here's to being runners! Cheers!

Tomorrow I work on the floor (and I get to stay on my medsurg floor, which I'm happy about), Thursday I have class (then I will move on to W6 D2), Friday I have to work on the floor again (ack!), and then I should be free for Sat and Sunday, and back to work on the new floor on Monday (scary!!). And that's my life.


  1. Cheers to us indeed! I know you guys are the reason I have stuck with this!

    I hope you don't keep feeling overwhelmed by the tings you have going on. I pray that it gets better.


  2. Thanks dude. High five and a hug and a honk.

    And I get to see you this weekend!!

  3. Heck yes you do! I can't freakin wait!

  4. Yay! I'm happy you stuck it out. :) I'm def proud of us for seeing this through. I can't wait until all three of us get to run together! :)

    And hopefully all of us can go to Rita's!! TOGETHER! And AT THE SAME TIME! :)

