Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today was hard for me for some reason. I got really winded pretty quickly, which didn't make me very happy. It was slightly discouraging because I thought I'd be better off since there was walking involved and last week we ran 2 miles without walking. So yeah, I was wrong. Again haha. I wanted to use the walking part to just refuel, shall we say, so that the last half wouldn't be bad. Yeah, it was. I just don't get why I'm so winded! Maybe I should slow my pace back down a bit, but the stubborn side of me doesn't want to because I want to get faster. Such a dilemma. Any suggestions?

Today I ran 2.89 miles, 13:39 pace, and 416 calories. It took about 40 minutes (as of now my wristband thingy doesn't feel like, which is okay, but not the best. I'm really hoping that Friday goes well. I'm gonna need a run that I feel glad about haha. But I wasn't bummed for too long, because as Elle Woods says, "Endorphins make you happy!" Which is true. I was in a good mood when I was done, which I attributed to being glad to being done and still breathing as well as the endorphins.

I've decided that I'm going to start doing yoga. There's a place near Rita's (yay!) that isn't too expensive and it's a 12 week program. I'd go twice a week (my off days), so I think that would help with my muscles not being so sore and just being able to really stretch out a couple times a week. So I'll let you know when that's all official. I've always wanted to do yoga, so I'm pretty excited about it haha.

Here's another picture from Antigua. This was a church that was pretty run down that was near where the marching band was performing for some kids from the elementary school. I thought it was pretty. :)



  1. yoga, nice. That should be really cool. Let us know how it goes. I'm wanting to do swimming on my off days and maybe a little lifting too.

  2. Yeah I wanna hear how the yoga goes. I kinda need some I think to destress from work.
