Wednesday, September 16, 2009

rain out

So i get home and start to get ready for my run, then i hear it. The rain. I literally grabbed all my stuff and ran out the door. I was so pumped. Running in the rain was just what I needed this week. It was kind of down hill from there. First my iPod started messing up, which could only be attributed to the rain, then my shorts were getting heavy and kind of sliding down so kept pulling them up. Then the one other runner at the track took a hard left turn and cut across the football field because of the MASSIVE BOLT OF LIGHTNING! At that point I thought to myself "Self, you probably won't get hit by lightning, but why risk it?" Thus ended my run. Here are the stats:

Was going for week 8 day 2 today but that is now pushed back tomorrow.



  1. Well that does sound like it wasn't as fulfilling as you'd hoped. On the bright side, your shorts wouldn't be falling down if you weren't losing so much weight. So there. Also, I think it was a good idea about getting out of the lightening. Electrocution is no picnic. So I hear.

    And about this not "counting" as W8D2, don't forget that being OCD and perfectionistic doesn't make you a runner, it makes you neurotic. Which will completely defeat the point of running. So don't sweat it. That part really fit better with your first post about stopping to pee, but I didn't wanna put it there because i didn't know if you'd see it since I've been such a laggard with commenting lately. :)


  2. Dude, I'm totally glad you weren't struck by lightening. That could suck. And probably be incredibly painful. So I hear. ;)

    Yay rain! Boo lightening.

  3. Yeah, lightning is bad, although very pretty, so there.

    I just feel like I will be failing or letting myself down somehow if I don't complete every run without stopping or exactly how they say to do it on the C25K website. Neurotic? maybe but it helps keep me motivated.
