Tuesday, September 15, 2009

i had to pee again, just sayin

So i had to run to the bathroom again in the middle of my run, really? I feel like those old guys in the prostate medicine commercial "Matt doesn't have a going problem, he has a growing problem..." But all in all the run went well. Pretty steady i felt. The little graphic I get from Nike+ seems to be a little "heart monitor-esque" in its sporadic up and downness:

Wow, the run really didn't feel that up and down. I guess steady for me is not stopping. Which is pretty good.

And in closing, Week 8, I am going to kick your ass! so look the eff out!



  1. Yay! You kick it right in the face! :) I'm so proud. :)

  2. Yeah. in the face. :)

    I feel the same way, if I am in some way jogging for the whole run, then it it doesn't matter how slow some points are.
