Thursday, September 10, 2009

that's my dog

Today I decided to go for my Week 7 Day 2 run with my dog, Kane. Overall bad idea. In the future Kane and I will stick with walks not runs. He made it about a mile then I had to take him back to the truck. I drove down to the college because I thought it would be neat to run around campus and in theory it was. But with Kane with me and all the students on the sidewalks and such it ended up being a hassle. Since I was near the college I parked at my mother in laws church and was able to drop Kane off there. Unfortunately that came around the one mile marker so I had to pause my workout on Nike+. I kind of feel like I cheated but it had to be done. Anyway here is the chart of my run:

And here is a picture of Kane:

Yes those are Tigger ears. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing about y'alls runs.



  1. Awwww he's so freaking cute! I'd run with Millie, the terrier mix, but she's so small she wouldn't make it long, either. The other two wouldn't go for more than 25 minutes just walking, so yeah haha.

    I've had to pause my runs before, too. Usually to stretch out my calves b/c they were ON FIRE. So no worries. :)

    Gosh he's cute! ;)

  2. Love the ears, sir.

    Its ok, sometimes we just have to pause or stop for one reason or another. We're still getting the benefit as we push onwards. I had to stop at two crosswalks yesterday. So no worries.
