Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2 runs 1 post

So first thing is first. Saturday's run with Liz Baykur was great. It was great in the sense that I ran it with Liz, other than that it sucked balls. I told Liz when we got done that next time we were finding a nice flat track somewhere. Seriously, it was very challenging. Lots of hills. We ran near Lauren's house in Sandy Springs. We used Nike+. The link to the run is here. Even though it was really difficult, I'm glad I did it.

Now today's run I decided to set the Nike+ to do a 5k for the distance since Week 7 all the runs are 2.5 with the warm ups making them 3 miles. I figured just go ahead and do a 5k, so that is the plans all this week. Today's run went well. I didn't run around a track but did a big loop cutting through a nearby neighborhood, then through the Big Lots parking lot and making my way back to my house. I felt like the run was really steady but the graphic tells a different story:

Still, nothing too dramtic. The dip there at the end is me walking although I can't really explain the big increase at the very very end cuz I didn't start running again. Oh well. Hope all is well and it was great seeing you guys this weekend. I hope we see each other again very soon.



  1. So now at least one of us knows how Liz B feels when she runs up the hill all the time haha.

    It's so close to three miles! Yay!

  2. Oh, and I enjoyed seeing you, too. Hah.

  3. Yay we ran together! I obviously have yet to post about that. It was great to see you this weekend- like for serious.
