Friday, July 31, 2009

We did it!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that we have now completed Week 1!! :)  I'm so proud of us!  Today I went to the gym and forgot to take my normal picture of the treadmill, but I'll try to remember next time.  So even though I haven't really done any formal exercise on my off days, this week I've been moving which includes going up and down a flight of stairs about a million times.  Needless to say my legs were already in the sore zone when I went to the gym today.  But it was good.  I'm finding that it's getting better, so that's positive.  So here's the picture of the day - while moving yesterday, my sock kept falling down which made the back of my heel get a little sore.  So when I went running today it got all blistery.  So here's my badass "injury":
There's also a little bit of blood on my sock - it's hardcore.

So anyway, I'm at Honey Creek for the weekend and I'm pretty stoked about it. :)  And ya know what?  WE FINISHED WEEK 1!!  And now we get to start Week 2!  Say what!?


  1. Damn girl, that is hardcore. I am way proud of us as well. I can say with no ego that we have done great and deserve a pat on the back or at least an "attaboy" Anyway, i can't wait to hear about everyone's week 2, day 1 (including my own). Yay for us!

  2. Whoa!! A bleeding injury!! B. A. haha. I hope you are having a great time at Honey Creek and I can't wait til you get back so we can talk about how awesome Week 2 is going!! I love our positivity for serious.
