Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who came up with the idea of 8 hour days?

Because they are such a life suck! Today I had work from 7:45-4. Then I tried to buy new scrubs, then I ran! Week 1, Day 2. Since I took two phone calls during the workout, it wasn't as easy or as like, mind clearing as it could have been, but still it was totally doable. Plus since I hadn't eaten in a while I wasn't as sluggish, and the knee is still doing pretty well. I noticed it was sort of... complaining towards the end of the workout, but in sort of a different way than it used to so I'm going to consider it still on the mend. I need to stretch once more before bedtime regardless. One thing I noticed today was that while I was bored during orientation I just wanted to get up and move around. I feel like usually I just want to lounge around when I'm bored like that. I am going to blame the extra energy on the running. :) Ok here's a picture of me in my super awesome Grey's Anatomy scrubs holding my journals for my first year of nursing. I am sorry the picture quality is so terrible. And that it's like... well I didn't have anything to take a picture of, so I just put one up of me. haha. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I'll have a more... exercise themed picture. You see, some people have iPhones that take pretty decent pictures, that are easily uploaded to blogs. And some people are lucky their phones still dial numbers. Mmhmm.


  1. 1. Don't hate on our iPhones. :) You know you want one.

    2. Your journals are so pretty!

    3. Glad the knee wasn't all kinds of crazy today. :)

  2. A) You can hate if you really want but you should be proud of your phone for the reasons you stated at dinner with Chris and Cindy the other night

    4)Next time add a picture of the journals with the pages fanned out, that would be cool

    #) I don't have a specific injury i'm trying to overcome (wink, wink) so I can't imagine how tough that could be, but I'm way proud of you, of all of us!

  3. 1/A) I only hate because I totally want one.

    2/4) Thanks, and I don't know what you mean fanned out.

    3/#) I am proud of us too!!

  4. I really enjoyed readin this... keep up the good work Liz, et.al.

  5. I mean with the pages open, don't show us what you're writing but just to get a fuller picture and by that i don't mean literally take up more of the picture but in a metaphorical way

  6. stylin'. i love the expression on your face in that pic.
