Thursday, July 23, 2009

pre-season, if you will

Today I did my stretches twice so far, once before my jog on the treadmill and once after. I also did some lunges, toe raises, and leg lifts... I meant to do crunches too.... maybe later. Anyway, my time on ye olde treadmill wasn't too bad. I went for a total of 1.65 miles, burning 118 calories. Doesn't sound all that impressive. The side of my left knee is still bothering me a bit. Tomorrow I'm going to try out the elliptical and see if that helps at all, in conjunction with stretching 3-4 times a day (if I can remember) and doing leg exercises to try to strengthen the muscles to put less strain on the tendon that is driving me crazy. I'm going to try to eat better during this whole training thing if I can. Today started with a vegan waffle, half with blueberry preserves, half with nutella, and a bit of juice. Had a snack of graham cracker bite things. Lunch was chicken salad, pita and hummus, cheddar bunnies and a little piece of chocolate. Dinner is going to be chicken and broccoli stir fry with brown rice. I'd say it's a pretty good day one.

1 comment:

  1. For dessert I had an ice cream sandwich, and it was delicious. :)
