Friday, July 31, 2009

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

I went for an "unregulated" run today. Gasp, I know. I wish I could say that it was out of a positive desire for better preparing myself for the 5k but honestly it was becuase I felt like I wasn't getting the physical results I wanted. But Liz B. told me something that helped. She said that I should start viewing the increase in the ease of running as the result of running and the physical stuff, losing weight, looking hotter, as side effects. And that really helped.

I ended up running for about 15ish minutes, I think. I didn't keep track at all other than glancing at my watch (which I guess would be keeping track.....). But I wasn't running with a time goal in mind, how about that. I just ran around my neighborhood till I ended up back at my house.

On a side note, I was at Books A Million (or BAM as the hipsters call it) and I went to the running section and found this cool book. (see above picture, if you haven't already guessed) It seemed interesting but what sold me on it was the author is/was in seminary at Southwest in Austin to become a priest. I naturally I picked it up. I don't want to be the one to get all serious but I hope to incorperate some of this guy's ideas into my running, along with more badass running music, cause Rock N Roll ain't noise pollution!



  1. Yay for more running! :) So proud.

  2. Ohhh that book looks good! Please keep me/us posted as to how it is and if you find it useful. Also, way to go on the bonus run! On to week 2!!
