Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh the pain!

Alright so here's my first post - woo!

Today has been quite the tiring day....oy vey.  So this morning I wake up and am determined to go hop on the treadmill first thing.  I get up, take the dogs out, get in my workout clothes......and can't find my shoes.  Now, granted it's summer and it's very rare that I wear tennis shoes during the summer.  You would usually find me in a pair of flip flops or Chacos, with the occasional Sperry wear.  So I look under the bed, the desk, look at the dogs and ask them if they put them anywhere, and then I decide to check my trunk.  Which is where they were.  And during all this I feel a good sweat coming on.  I should have realized that the missing shoes were going to be a theme that has lasted ALL DAY LONG.....foreshadowing, I would say.

So I've got my shoes on, big cup of water (my Nalgens were dirty), and head to the little gym at my apartments.  I started doing the walk/jog system that Cool Runnings suggested, which I think worked pretty well for me considering that I haven't been in any type of good shape since the beginning of college.  So I started with a bit of a stretch of the ole unused muscles, followed by a 5 min warmup walk.  Then came the alternating of walking and jogging.  Here's a picture of my end time, calories burnt, and miles walked:

2.05 miles, 270.4 calories, and 35:07 minutes. :)  I was proud haha.

So once I get the dogs packed up, as well as all my stuff, I head to Atlanta for the weekend.  Now, I'm slightly a bit of a nerd and did some research on what type of shoes I wanted to get for this grand adventure.  I have running shoes, but they're more for trail running, which isn't really the best shoe to have when just running on a treadmill or the street.  So yeah, I found a couple of shoes that I wanted to get a gander at and potentially purchase.  One was a Nike and the other a New Balance.  

I decide that I'll go to the Nike store at Lenox Square (logical choice, right?) to get some shoes.  Now I'm all geekily excited about it and I get there, see the ones I want, decide to try on a couple other ones too, and ya know what?  THEY DON'T HAVE MY SIZE.  So the only pair they have my size in I decide that I don't like once I have them on.  My next option?  Go to the other shoe stores in the mall and look there for my Holy Grail of Running Shoes.  Do I find them?  Uh, no.

Now at this point, the soreness has started to kick in from the morning.  Add in the ton of traversing of the mall, and it's been kicked up a notch.  I end up leaving the mall shoeless and decide to search elsewhere.  Long story short, the shoe is no where to be found.  Why don't you order them online? you ask.  Because I want them RIGHT NOW.  Duh.  But sad to say I guess that's what I'll probably be doing. :(

At this moment I am waiting for my cake I'm baking for tomorrow's VSC meeting to be done and enjoying a margarita or two for medicinal purposes.  AKA, until I forget the pain in my hips.

So yeah....this was long, but I know you'll enjoy it anyway. :)  Let's hope some awesome shoes come into play soon. :)  And of course I'll let you know. :)  Mmmmmm tasty mar-ga-ri-ta......


  1. 1. Way to go!!! I like that you brought a big cup of water with you to the gym.
    2. I am sorry you couldn't find the shoes you wanted.
    3. Good call on the margarita; Carmen and I are about to open some wine as we speak.
    4. Thanks for calling me for dinner.

  2. 1)Way to stick with it and not give up cuz you couldn't find your shoes

    B) I would loved to have seen you rockin the cup o' water at the gym

    5) Alcohol is high in calories, not that i can say much, i had two beers while golfing today

    F) I actually don't have anything for "F" just wanted to get to another letter
