Tuesday, March 30, 2010


its a little weird to be back at the beginning. especially since i feel like i've got old wounds i'm trying to overcome. the knee is still an issue. but i found some really good IT band stretches online:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9aJtO0VCqw (a video is nice to actually see what is going on)
http://coastalsportsmedicine.com/patient-info/articles/iliotibial-band-syndrome/ (this one has some good exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles)

hopefully i can actually be consistent about these, since i found a couple that don't seem too awkward, so i'll be more likely to do them. I started having pain around minute 11 or 12 i think. i'm hoping that i can get that to be later and later. (because if not, it would seem i'd have to take a serious break from running-- on purpose this time). oh i also ran in normal shoes today, just to see if my beloved toe shoes were the cause of my troubles. turns out it doesn't seem to be the case. i think i'm going to try to wear my toe shoes all week at the beach to get used to walking in them, and then start running in them more regularly (if all goes as planned with my running in general). it was a strange feeling to be running in warm weather, but an awesome one.


  1. I'm glad you found some stretches - I've still not gotten in to the habit as much as I probably should be. Oops.

    I'm also glad that it's not a shoe issue - I'd be sad for you if you had to give up the toes shoes!!

  2. Way to get back it! Sorry about the pain, it amazing how we all seem to be breaking down in some way or another. Take care of yourself
