Friday, March 19, 2010

busy afternoon run

So yesterday I had things all planned out: Get off work at 3, have a nice run, wait for Amanda and AJ to get home then go to the track with them and walk AJ while Amanda completed Week 1 Day 2 of the couch to 5K. Well all that happened but with a big steaming pile of crap right in the middle.

We had a girl call in sick to work today and I had to cover part of her shift from 5-7. So I did end up going home, having a nice run, then going back into work, then I went to the track, fed AJ, pushed him in the stroller while Amanda ran, then went home. All in all a busy afternoon.

My run went well. 2.67 miles or so around my neighborhood. I have this route worked out to maximize the distance while not really feeling like it takes me as long. Basically I combine laps around the block with figure 8's around the block and it doesn't feel like I'm running as much as I actually am. Plus it has the added bonus on eliminating street with the bigger hills and I actually run downhill more (I know that doesn't seem possible but I promise it works, either that or my neighborhood defies the laws of physics...). But I'm pleased with how things went.

I have a race in Adel in the morning! I'm very excited, bringing my running prowess to my home town! Woot Woot!


1 comment:

  1. Matt! You are my running hero! Go kick some 5K booty tomorrow! You are the bomb! When I grow up I want to be like you. Well, no, not really LIKE you, but......yeah. k, good night!
