Sunday, March 14, 2010

I still can't believe it!

I ran a 15k. Wait, what? I actually started and finished a 15k. Dang. That's intense.

I'm still in shock and happiness that this actually happened. You wouldn't have thought this would have happened at the start of the race because, as Matt can concur, I was slightly freaking out as we were waiting to start. I was starting to get nervous and anxious about the pain that could come during the race. If you've been keeping up with our little blog, I have some tendon and knee issues that cause me a lot of pain. Sometimes this pain comes on pretty early in the run and sometimes not. So I was definitely worried about the amount of pain that could happen. This freaking out didn't start until we were lined up and time was getting closer and closer to crossing that start line. It was kinda crazy. Matt just kept looking at me saying, "You can do this - it'll be okay." And the crazy part is that once I started running, all those feelings of nervousness and being anxious went away. It was like I was doing something normal......just with about 15,000 other people.....all at the same time haha.

Like Matt said, the course was awesome. We ran by the river and over the river - twice! It was awesome. Once we got to the river I just wanted to stop and look at the view. The people of Jacksonville were awesome, too. It was like this was a party and everyone wanted to come out and play. At the river, one of the girls held a sign that said "You're not slow, you're just enjoying the view!" Which definitely made me laugh and even agree because I was totally enjoying that river view! This is also the place were the mimosa station that Matt mentioned was. We went through really expensive houses and the frat like houses, and all the folks were having a good time. Lots of people were grilling out and one house had a beer table and and liquor table. Some folks even had stereos outside turned up so that the runners could hear the music. It was just an awesome environment.

I did have to walk a few times, but I totally ran the majority of it. Here's a testament that God answers prayers. I prayed good and hard to not have the type of pain I've been going through, and sure enough I was good to go the whole time. And I kept Matt in pretty close view when we weren't running together. But let me tell you - the minute I knew that we were coming up on the last mile and half ish and that last bridge was next, I was PUMPED. I knew I wasn't running up that dern incline, but I knew that I was busting my tail to get to the end once I got to the top. And I totally did. I was so excited I was grinning like a fool. Especially when I could see the end. It was an awesome feeling knowing that I was about to accomplish something that I never thought I would ever do. And getting to the finish line knowing that I was under my goal time was awesome.

I could go on and on about how cool this experience was, but I'll cut it down. :) Here's a shout out to Leigh Hall - they totally played the Chariots of Fire theme song at the start of the race. Definitely thought of you. :)

Many, many thanks to Amanda, AJ, Sarah, and Terri for cheering us on this weekend. It was awesome to see and hear them both at the beginning and the end of the race and then dealing with us whining about how much it hurt to move the rest of the day. And lots of thanks to Matt and Liz B. for thinking up this whole running scheme and allowing me to start with you. Ya'll have been so motivating and supportive and it's just been freaking cool. It's been awesome and I can't wait until we all get to run together again!

I can't wait until next year's race - it's gonna be awesome!


  1. I am unbelieveably proud of us! I say this with no ego or boasting, we did an amazing thing! Granted 13,000 other people did it too but still, it was amazing! We deserve a pat on the back to say the least.

    I've had all kinds of reactions to me telling people I ran a 15K this weekend, from "why?" to "wow really?" I wish people understood the sense of accomplishment that comes with running a race, 5K, 15K or whatever. It's like "I did this thing and it was hard and I had to work at it but I did it" there is a sense of pride that is hard to explain with running.

    Alright enough sentimentalizing, WE DID IT! WOOOHOOO!

  2. Oh my gosh. this sounds awesome. i'm so proud of you, and happy for you that you weren't plagued with the annoying pains you've been getting. reading yall's posts really makes me want to get back out there-- can't wait to see what the next year holds!!
