Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yep. True story.

I spent the past couple of days at Lake Blackshear and goodness gracious I didn't want to come back. But this means that I ran in BEAUTIFUL weather both times I ran this week. :) Yesterday's run went pretty well. It kinda made me realize that even though I may not always run the fastest or look the best when I run, or even look like the typical runner, but I am RUNNER. I had yet to make this realization, but I think running in the awesome weather provoked this thinking haha. So yeah that was a pretty proud moment. :)

I didn't run very far yesterday - I'm still trying to work up my mileage for the 10k at the end of April in the hometown. :) Later in the day and last night my left knee and shin was in a lot of pain, though. Not really sure where it came from, but it definitely didn't feel good. It was bad enough that it kept me up last night. I had a really bad night of sleep. :( But today it doesn't seem that bad. I was going to try to run today, but I really think I should wait until tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm on my way to building up my mileage for the next race and I'm excited about it! HONK!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya about the runner realization. Its hard for me to count myself among the people who do 5 minute miles but I am just as much a runner as they are. So indeed we should be proud!

    I'm shooting for 4 miles on my next run then back down to 2.5 maybe 3 then up to 5. We'll see. But good job this week!
