Monday, May 3, 2010

I am a marathoner.

Today was the first day of my marathon training. It wasn't hard but it wasn't easy, either. I only had to go 3 miles, hence the reason it wasn't crazy hard. Our good friend Tiffany recommended a book to me called The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer. It's really interesting so far and I really like it. It's a 16 week program designed by two professors from the University of Northern Iowa. It's a pretty successful program (it was up to when the book was published in 1998), and I'm excited to have a program I think is easy to understand. Each chapter is a week and is broken down into three parts: the physical part, mental part, and then advice and whatnot from actual students that took the course. So yeah, I'm pretty excited. :)

The main point so far in the book is that the mental aspect is just as important as the physical aspect. So from the get go, the writers are telling you to tell people that you are running a marathon and that you are a marathoner. I've spread the word that I'm running a marathon, so you hear it here first: I AM A MARATHONER. Word.

I'm really excited about this journey I'm about to embark on. Today's run was really good. I enjoyed it, which hasn't happened in a while. I felt like I could've done a whole other mile! Running has just been something that I know I need to do. Lately it hasn't been the best experience. Hopefully this is a good sign that most of my runs will be good ones that I enjoy. But we'll see hah.

This should be fun! And probably painful haha. HONK!

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