Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bright, sunshine-y day!

Today was the long run day. It was Week 1 Day 4 and I had to go 5 miles. It was really nice this morning, too. The wind was really nice and I made sure to run with my water bottle. I decided that I should probably run with water now so I can prevent feeling/getting sick and dehydrated. So I took my time and would stop every now and then to drink some water and catch my breath.

Of course the first half was pretty good and not that difficult. The second half of the run was a bit harder. But at the end I didn't feel crazy spent, which was really cool. I ran all the way down through downtown Decatur and back since I knew it'd be the right mileage. I really like it! And on one of my water breaks, a woman ran by me and told me I was doing a great job because she had seen me a ways back and thought it was cool I had made it where I was in the time since. So that was cool to get encouragement from someone I didn't know. :)

Next week has the same mileage except for the long run and it really depends on how I'm feeling during the run if I'm going to repeat the length for this week or push on. So who knows. :) I'm really glad that I have a schedule that I like again hah. I'm still excited, but we'll see once I get up in to the really high miles!



  1. wow that is awesome!! and i love the random encouragement from a stranger! keep it up-- i believe in you! and good call on the water. :)


  2. Thanks friend! Dude, the water was probably the best idea I've had in a long time haha.
