Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So freaking annoying....ugh.

These past few runs have not been very good. It's been really freaking hard to get through just 2 miles. I ran the day the pollen count was over 5500 and it was like the yellow brick road outside. My shoes didn't even make an imprint in all the pollen. It was pretty intense. And I'm pretty sure I ate some. Now I can go pollenate some flowers.

The Rose City Run is this weekend and I'm not ready. But I have a plan - stick with Matt and I'll make it through! Running with him pushes me and I really think that if we stick together, we can get a good time and run the whole time. :) When we did the 15k we were timed at an hour and a half for a 10k so I'd like to make that time or under. So we'll see how it goes.

I came to the realization that all this stress from school is really affecting me and my running. When I'm doing well and mainly stress-free, running is good and it usually ends up pretty well. But lately I've been so busy with school and this dern exit paper that every time I am able to relax and don't have to work on anything, it's really difficult for me to get out the door and run. Like today. I wasn't very motivated and it took every thing I had to get out the door and run. And during the run it was hard for me to make it a continuous run. I just could NOT get my body in gear. Fail.

Hopefully once this whole school/job search/move gets done things will go better, but that's still what feels like a LONG TIME AWAY. Even though it's only about 3 weeks. Hopefully. But here's to hoping! HONK!

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