Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sometimes you just get mad

So. I've been out of my routines lately, too. Today, for some reason, I just got mad. Mad that I can't really run a mile anymore, mad that my joints are stiff at 26, mad that I'm just not very strong, mad that I feel so defenseless thinking about if I crossed paths with someone dangerous, and mad that I am totally inflexible. So I put on my work out clothes, and headed out for a walk. After a short warm up walk, I decided to jog/run. I was ok for a few minutes, but it wasn't long before my hip flexors started to complain. I tried not to overdo it, but still push myself a little before slowing to a walk. I thought about then cutting my walk short, but hobbled through it. I decided on some hip stretches and workouts that I'm just going to have to be more consistent about. I am going to try to make a check list or something for this week. I realized, when I used to take up running in high school, I was also doing lunges, toe raises, pushups, etc. So that helped maintain enough strength to keep my hips aligned right. Or whatever. And then in college we would go use the weight room. Not that consistently, but enough. ANYWAY. So yeah. I am going to try to use this anger to better my body.

I am really hoping when I get back to Atlanta I can commit to the yoga thing. I feel like maybe the running this next month and a half (I am so close to done!!) will help me stay consistent with a routine and with slightly improve some general strength issues. And if I keep making myself stretch, then I'll be that much more prepared when the yoga commences once again. I want skills.


  1. I definitely understand your body not doing what you want it to. I'm glad that you want to put that mad energy to good use. :) And I LOVE yoga! Which I know you know, but get on that girl. :) Get them skills. :)

  2. I really feel like once you get back to Atlanta you'll be able to really dig your teeth into a routine and get back to the way you want to do things. Finding some ideal.

  3. Thanks guys. Yeah, hoping the move home will help. Fingers crossed.
