Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spending Energy to Make Energy

Busy seems to be a common theme around here! I've just been in the midst of moving too, and wow, is that process exhausting! I'm excited about my new job, so this helped me to maintain some momentum all along - packing up my Savannah apartment and getting out of it (during which I accidentally stabbed myself in the arm with my pocket knife, which resulted in an ER visit, a tetanus booster, a heavy course of antibiotics and pain meds, and three whole stitches); getting into the new place (it's furnished already, and boy, do I have a ton of crap); and beginning to unpack all these boxes. 

Now though, I think I've definitely hit a lull after all the hubbub. I'm once again thankful for little Boo, who insists on at least three, one-mile walks a day. Today, I've already walked him at 6a and again at 10a. I think he likes SSI. :) I can't believe how devoid of physical energy I am. It's like moving lead. And getting any speed or heartrate increase? Forget about it! It's all I can do to put one foot in front of the other. But I've done it, and I keep telling myself that if I keep it up, exerting the energy will yield an overall energy increase. Just wish that increase would hurry the hell up.

I also need to confess that I've been eating so horribly that I pretty much disgust myself. Little victories though: I finally dragged my butt to the Publix to do that initial I-just-moved-and-have-to-restock-my-cabinets grocery trip. There is fruit! There are vegetables! There is hope!

Prayers for all of you during these new fall beginnings!


  1. I'm happy the move went well, minus the trip to the ER. But yay for baby Boo making you go outside. And I LOVE buying new stuff at the grocery store haha. Keep going!! :)

  2. Ditto to everything Liz said! Moving is so fun... and so stressful. And definitely wears you out, so that could be part of it. Yay for Boo being encouraging... or demanding. :) I've been trying to get myself to eat fruits and veggies, too, but the progress is slow going! Baby steps, I say, baby steps.

    Encouragement and motivation!
