Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Boy, was I in a bad mood today. I am not sure what did it. Actually, I think it was that I am trying to establish too many new things in my routine at one time. Exercise, eating healthily, but also cooking, budgeting, new cleaning routine since I'm in a new place, and flossing my teeth (no clue why I can't seem to get that one to stick. Sigh). I guess I'm just overwhelmed and feeling like I'm not being consistent with anything, even though I'm dabbling in all of those things.

Cory interrupted me yesterday when I was writing to watch a movie, so where my head's at has shifted, naturally. Also, I am aware of the grammar monstrosity of that last sentence. :).

Moving on. Cory and I took a walk yesterday instead of starting C25K. I had this strange ankle pain I'd never had before, I was grumpy, I hadn't stretched my IT band or hip flexors like I'd planned and just felt discouraged overall. I didn't want to get out there and have to quit on account of my tendons. And I knew that was a real possibility based on the fact that they will get inflamed if I walk too much. So even though I haven't been running in forever, I've had little reminders from my joints that they will throw a full on tantrum if I try.

Anywho. The walk was great, and by the end of it my ankle felt healed! Which was surprising because I had been walking inside all day and it seemed to be getting worse to the point that I was limping when the walk started. It was nice to be outside and nice to have real time with Cory, without the numbing of the tv and Internet.

Unfortunately, I think we will have to have separate workout schedules. I really prefer having a buddy to keep me accountable and for encouragement, etc. but I find it stressful to try to coordinate cooking dinner, Cory's work schedule being inconsistent, and timing my own meals and snacks. Also, I have a really hard time getting out of bed in the mornings and if Cory is working late, then he'll need to exercise beforehand.

So, baby steps. I'm just impatient. Plus I want to be in good enough shape to run races again!!


  1. I'm glad your ankle felt better! And yay for baby steps! I'm definitely in that stage, too.

  2. Thanks! Yeah, now that I've kinda accepted that I can't revamp my life all at once, I feel a little more motivated.
