Monday, July 2, 2012

To race or not to race.....

That is the question.

So. The Peachtree Road Race is on Wednesday morning.  I've been looking forward to this for a while, as y'all know, but just haven't prepared like I should have.  Let's be real - that's just how I operate sometimes.  Plus it's been a big struggle in general to get out there sometimes.  I've had this dread feeling about the race the past couple of weeks, which has been a new feeling.  I just haven't been looking forward to it as much lately.  And that could be for a few reasons - the quick travel and turnaround to get back to Huntsville, only to leave again on Friday for a week for a day camp in south AL, plus just getting back yesterday from a few days off at the lake (and a 6 hour drive back that came with it). 

BUT - this is the Peachtree Road Race!  It's fun and hot, just just an adventure all around.  And I get an awesome tshirt at the end! 

To recap, here are the downsides:

- Gas money to and from ATL
- Waking up super early to take MARTA to the race (since I can't stay with Blizz since she's doing an awesome internship at the Grand Canyon!!!:) )
- It's going to be stupid hot.
- Not as ready as I'd like to be....
- I don't like to quit, and this feels like quitting.

The bonuses:

- I've got a few friends running and volunteering that hopefully we'd get to meet up when we're all done.
- The tshirt!
- It's just a fun race. :)
- Have I mentioned that it's the PEACHTREE ROAD RACE?!

So yeah.  I need input.  Pronto. Oh, and it's not like I can't do it next year.

And I did run last week, which was nice.  I ran in the mornings, which worked out really well.  It just reinforces the fact that I need to make running in the morning my deal instead of waiting until the end of the day. 

Alright friends.  I need your help with this.  It's definitely not an easy decision, that's for sure.....ugh.



  1. Okay so here's how I feel about it. Take away the not being physically prepared part. Do all the positives outweigh the remaining negatives? Is it worth the gas and drive time with the quick turn around? Now I say get rid of the physical preparedness because you don't have to push yourself too hard. Walk more than you run maybe. For me personally, if I were in your situation I would run. I think the experience, the pure scale of the event, potentially seeing friends plus the T shirt outweigh those remaining negatives.

    But that's just me personally. I loved the experience and I feel like that I would still love it if I wasn't able to perform on the physical level I might like. Two years ago would I have said that? Probably not :)

    But please do not feel pressured one way or the other. Decide what is best for you and do that with no regrets. Life happens.

    Either way you know we have your back. I love you girl!


  2. Grumble. Supportive Friend Fail. Sorry about that dude. I swear I am for real getting back into working out and blogging. Especially now that the mono is resolved and Cory's vacation is over. Honk and hugs!
