Friday, March 11, 2011

Not as positive this time, but still productive...maybe.

I ran yesterday. I meant to run on Wednesday, but didn't get out of the house really. Why, you may ask? Because of a thunderstorm. And my dog Millie. For any of you that know me, Millie is my terrier mix and she's just so dern cute. She's pretty awesome and does really well with other dogs (for the most part - so far only there's only one dog we've met that has been a problem) and there's not a whole lot that seems to bother her. Except thunder. I was planning on taking it easy on Wednesday and going to the gym in the afternoon, but my plans were derailed when all the rain came to town. There was a massive thunderclap that seemed right outside our house and Millie bolts out of her crate, barks twice, and makes a beeline for me. And then she curled up in a ball right next to me with a look that said, "Make it go away!" Since I wasn't sure how long the rain/thunderstorms were going to last, I didn't want to leave her at the house all by herself. I'd rather not have her freaking out in her crate and possibly hurting herself. So like a good doggie mom, I stayed and comforted my little cute doggie. :)

All of that explains why I went yesterday instead of Wednesday. I got to the gym ready to bust out another mile, maybe even a little more, and get my stretch on before I do anything. My muscles were still just a little bit sore, but nothing like they were the day after I ran last time. I'm feeling pretty confident, do a couple of warm up laps, and off I go. For one lap. Dude, my muscles, particularly my calves, were SCREAMING at me to stop. I ended up running a lap, walking a lap, etc, etc. It wasn't what I really wanted to do, but I don't think I could've done anything more about it. So my time was a little slower than when I ran the whole time, but hey, at least I got out there! :)

I was planning on running tomorrow, but then remembered that I had to be that the Diocese of Atlanta's ministry fair and didn't really want to get up at the butt crack of dawn to go run. So maybe after I'm done at the Cathedral I'll go. Depends...haha. I've still got the motivation factor going for me and I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to stick to my schedule of sorts once again. :)

Here's to a new start and new running fun - HONK!

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