Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i didn't run, per se

uh, i might have only run for half a minute, but i got to use my cool heart monitor and distance calculator i got from cory for my birthday. so i'm counting it. my max heart rate was 176 and the average was 139 over 27:13 minutes and 1.75 mi. I am kinda wondering if I actually have it calibrated right... at one point it claimed my pace was 6:51 min/mi and i just doubt it was actually that fast.. just sayin. it reported my average pace to be 15:32, which seems accurate since i was really just walking to the library to drop off a DVD as an excuse to wear my gadgets. although it would be really cool to be able to run an entire mile at that pace, instead of just like 10 feet at that pace.

For my stretching, I did some stuff from my yoga book. I have recently been made aware of just how NOT flexible I am. sooo the yoga is supposed to help. when I actually do it. anyway. on one of my recent unintentional all-nighters, i went through the book and checked off the moves I could easily do and made a couple goal moves and routines. cory is supposed to be doing yoga too because he is eternally knocking things over, bumping into things, etc. i mean, i know he grew up in a household of boys, but geez. can you say bull in a china shop?

anyway, yoga. I ordered some dvds as well that should arrive this week! i'll keep everyone posted on how they work out; i am sure you all are really curious.


  1. Yay for new gadgets! Yay yoga! :) It sounds like you're slowly rolling back in to it, too. :) And dude, if you could go 6:51/mile, that would so so incredibly impressive - you could outrun TONS of people! ;)

  2. Haha, maybe someday... that will be a far distant goal :)
