Saturday, June 12, 2010

Not quite the mountaintop experience

This morning I had planned on getting up early, around 7, get dressed, and head to Stone Mountain to run my 8 miles. The first sign that today's run was not going to go as planned was when I hit the snooze button. For an hour and a half. Yep. When I finally got up, going to Stone Mountain seemed like such a hassle. There's sign #2. I finally get out the door a little after 9, and all I can think of is that I totally don't feel like running haha. Today just wasn't going to be a successful run. Sure enough, it's hard for me to get past a continuous mile, and right under 3 miles I decide that this was it. I was almost out of water, (dude it got crazy humid really quickly today), and my legs just didn't want to move. I turned back and did something I haven't done in a while - I walked the rest of the way home. It took me what felt like forever, but I finally made it back.

Now for the positives of today's "run." I bought a new dry fit tank top (Nike, of course) yesterday. I really want one for the Peachtree Road Race since I sweat like a man. I still was sweating like a man, but my shirt felt so much better than the normal ole cotton tshirt. I wanted to get something that wasn't too clingy and showed all my curves - good ones and bad ones haha. Thankfully the one I found fit just like I wanted, so yay! And as much as I've made fun of Tiffany for wearing a headband while running, I finally caved in and decided that I need one......haha. Stylin' and profilin' with the headband!

Of course I'm a little sore from trying to get my body to move today. A tendon in my foot (a different one than normal - go figure) is not doing too well, and neither is my left knee. I've been throwing the ice packs on there a few times during the day, and will continue to do so the rest of the day. I think next week I'll push forward and see how it goes. I do want to run at the mountain, so hopefully that will happen. If you've been keeping up with our handy dandy blog, you should know that I get frustrated when I don't do what I set out to do on my runs. But now I'm okay with it. I still feel good that I at least tried today. I would've felt much worse if I didn't even try. I'm really enjoying this new outlook I have with running haha. It's much less stressful. :)

Alright friends - until next time - HONK!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on getting out there, even though you didn't feel up to it! And I agree about the tank tops. Both about their superiority to cotton, as well as the difficulty in finding one that fits right. and i'm totally in the headband club. they are just too durn practical!

    anyway-- HONK!!!!
