Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I found a quarter!

Today I took my sweet time. It was freaking hot and the last thing I wanted to do was pass out and have a freaking heat stroke and puke on the side of the road. So I took full advantage of the shady places along the route. I didn't get out the door until after 5 so my morning runs have been moved to later in the day. Which means it's even hotter. Fail. Another factor that kept butting in was that my calves were totally sore in a place that they haven't been sore in a long time. The nice little stops also gave me the chance to let my legs rest and stop the nice little burning sensation. I blame climbing last night as the culprit.

Other fun facts of this run:

1. Thanks to Tiffany, I got to use my handy dandy new headband. :) It's a Halo headband and I really freaking like it. It totally kept my man sweat out of my eyeballs, which made my run a little less salty in the face region. PLUS it advertises that it absorbs odor and dude I totally smelled it just to check and it totally didn't smell like my man sweat! Okay so yeah, thanks Tiff! :)

2. I always feel that the second half of my run will go easier than the first half. And I'm always wrong. Especially when I know I'm close to being done. I need to remember that the second half is usually the more painful. And sweaty.

3. So there was this runner that passed me three times. The first time was the normal way - she was going the opposite direction that I was. We did the runner smile and that was it. The second time we had switched directions and she was on the other side of the road (she had a pink visor so it wasn't like I was specifically looking out for her....I ain't no creeper....gah). The third time, I was still headed back to my house and the girl passed me on the same side of the road, going the opposite direction. I'm assuming she went around a block or two, but geez manetti! Homegirl was a machine! This time we did the runner's smile AND the friendly wave.

4. I found a quarter! It was on my way back and I stopped in a shady place at a gas station, look down, and there it was! You can overlook pennies and nickels, but not a quarter! Totally put it in my little bitty runner's shorts pocket and it jingled the rest of the way home with my house key.

At this point I usually have one more short run before the long run on Saturday, but my schedule got a little screwy when I postponed my run the other day and that we've got the Vocare Meeting & Reunion on Saturday. So I'm gonna try to bust out the 1o miler on Friday. Oh lawd it's gonna be painful. But who knows - hopefully somewhat successful?


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