Monday, November 1, 2010

week 5ish

I ran 5 days last week. FIVE! I never over-achieve. I am a chronic "do the bare minimum" kind of person concerning exercise. I kinda can't believe I did it. I ran day 1, day 2, day 3, then day 1 twice again for the extra runs. Now I have to step it up a notch for week 6 though. and soon after that, its on to only "long" runs. I would really love to be able to continue to do more than the bare minimum. normally i even have a difficult time not cutting corners and just drag my feet when it comes to getting out there and getting it done. i think i've sort of always believed it was just intrinsic and i wouldn't be able to move beyond it, but low and behold, at least for one week, I did. i'm crossing my fingers i can continue the trend.

my knee has been feeling better, but my right hip flexor has been acting up a bit. i've really been trying to stretch before and after i run every time to help prevent any further problems. plus i'm just really inflexible, so I need the stretching.

ok, thats all i suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so proud of you!! :) Maybe this year for the Candlelight Tour Run we'll run more than walk this time haha. But I'm still hoping for the same amount of laughing. :)
