Thursday, September 6, 2012

Liz W. is my hero.

I'm back in the game.

Thanks to Liz, I think I'm onto something that works. She sent me a video that gives advice on stretches AND workouts to strengthen the muscles needed to stabilize the joints. I dove right in Tuesday night.
   Wednesday I got back to C25K!! Week 1, Day 1.  Cory went with me. And I completed it!! My knee only started to twinge a little in the last couple of sets of jogging. I tried to do some stretching, but the workouts weren't happening. I was SORE from the night before. I was going to try to push through it that night, but we had a family dinner out for my older brother's birthday.

Today, I had a lot of errands to do in anticipation for relatives coming in to town (more birthday celebrations) and a bridal shower for my brother's fiance on Saturday.

But tonight I did the stretches and workout, and I didn't have any knee pain all day, even on stairs. Yippee!

Next week Cory and I are trying a vegetarian week. I intend on updating about how it goes.


  1. Yay!! I'm SO GLAD that it worked for you! I know how much trouble your knees and IT band have given you and was hoping that it would help you. YAY YAY YAY!! :)

    Get it on it, friend. HONK! :)
