Thursday, April 26, 2012

Picture Time!

So I'm at the airport in Atlanta right now waiting for my last flight back to Huntsville.  I don't leave until 10:50pm, so that's real fun.  Our earlier flight from Newark was delayed a couple of hours (which SUCKED) but it was good because it made my layover time a little shorter.  You win some, you lose some.

Well, I didn't think I was going to run today since it was the end of the conference and travel, but Leigh set her alarm for 6:00am instead of 7:00am, so I woke up and couldn't really get back to sleep.  I went down to the hotel fitness center, but the treadmills were definitely taken so I made my way outside.  And it was cold.  6:30am is not a nice time for me in general and add in the cold - NOT a happy Liz.  I thought about going back in, but started out anyway.  It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be (which I'm totally okay with), and I was able to regulate myself a bit better (which was a bonus).  New Jersey is different, but there is definitely a lot of green and bright flowers everywhere.  So I took a couple of pictures of the road I was running down behind the hotel.  It may be blurry.....

So green!

I meant to take more pictures of Princeton itself, but most of the time we were running around to one thing or another and there wasn't much time.  But the main observation is that every building looks like a church and what's that like, going to class in a church?  We were having these conversations right when classes got out and students were around us, so I'm sure they thought we were idiots....but that's okay.  We appreciated the beauty of Princeton. :)  And speaking of beauty, there are flowers everywhere!  More specifically, they have a love affair with azaleas.  They reminded me of south Georgia and being at my grandma's house.  She had them everywhere.  But these stuck out more because they were multicolored and just so lovely to look at. :)

Anyway, I'm glad that I got to run today because I won't feel bad for being a slug all day tomorrow....well until I have to leave for the night again hah.  I have a feeling I'll be taking Monday off.....

Until next time friends!  And hopefully more rested....hah.  HONK!!


  1. Wow! That is very green! And those are some beautiful azaleas! I am impressed that you went ahead and got up!! I would have been grumpy from waking up unexpectedly I wouldn't have gotten up based on that alone! :)

    1. Tell me about it! Mornings are always hard, but I'm really glad I got it done. :)
