Friday, July 31, 2009

Week 1, Day 3

So. Matt talked yesterday about his kick ass monsoon run. And this morning, it POURED for like an hour. Like where you couldn't see anything 10 feet in front of you. Well, I was waiting for breakfast to digest before I headed out. By the time I left it was only sprinkling. Which was still moderately refreshing. Unfortunately, by oh... 7 minutes into the run it had stopped. This meant the last 13 minutes, the sun came out a bit and turned the weather to tropical rain forest-esque. And by that I mean, suffocatingly muggy. I got through it, but my times got all off when I had to pass this kid and didn't want to stop like right after that and have us like awkwardly walking sort of together, so I ran for 2.5 minutes instead of 1 min, then my intervals weren't on the right times. Oh well! Next week will be better (90 seconds jogging, 2 min walking).

On a different note, I am excited about my orientation at Hillandale next week. Also I'm going to see Harry Potter with Tiffany tonight, which will be awesome.

Now I have a question: What do yall eat for snacks?? I am having a hard time coming up with good and moderately healthy snacks.


  1. Well I wish i could say I ate healthy snacks but I eat cookies and chips at work, albeit sun chips. So next grocery store trip I'm thinking about stocking up on the fruits and veggies.

  2. I like getting fresh fruit most of the time, especially watermelon. :) And Heather and Katie Linney say to eat hummus and pita chips. :)

  3. I love love love hummus. I think I'm going to try it with rice cakes... I tend to need to end my snack with something salty and crunchy... and fruit by itself just doesn't do it for me. So a combo snack... that'll be my plan. Thanks kids. And hi to Heather and Katie!!
