Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm alive.....I think

I did a stupid thing. Normally we go to my inlaws Sunday afternoon, so I thought it would be a good idea to run in their neighborhood. Bad idea. Several portions of my run were uphill at least one pretty steep too. My shins are on fire and I think I could easily win any wet tshirt contest on the planet because I'm so sweaty.

But again, I'm not dead so all in all a success.

Here is the pic from my cool down

And here is one from my current view in my inlaws living room

Till next time


-- Post From My iPhone


  1. So proud you went around the neighborhood! :) Don't you love sweating profusely and then getting in the shower? The best feeling EVER. :)

  2. Way to go!!! Um, I am still a little unclear of what I'm looking at in that second picture lol.

  3. It's the ceiling of my inlaws tv room. I kind of passed out when I got done. I'm planning on taking that shower when I get home.

  4. hahahahahaha I can just see you laying on the couch and being completely unresponsive for a while.
