Saturday, April 14, 2012

I need some accountability like my dogs need to cuddle.

I've been in a big ole rut for a while now. For a while after the move I would use the excuse that I just moved and was really busy and too tired to make it out the door. Then it just turned in to "I don't want to".....not helpful. It then turned in to "Man I REALLY need to make my body move" and that would last for a couple of weeks and then something would come up where I couldn't get out on the road. Which would then throw off my whole schedule. Dumb, I know, but it's just how I operate. I like schedules haha.

The other hard part is holding myself accountable for running. It's been difficult to make it out there when I don't feel like anyone expects anything from me. Does that make sense? And I know that I should be doing this for myself, which is definitely true, but it really helps to have someone with me. Even if that means via the ole interweb. ;)

So here's my short term plan:

- Start running on a regular basis. And keep it up.
- Regain control of my eating habits.

I'm doing the Peachtree again this year, so I really want to get in good shape for this race. I was pretty good about my diet for a while and then Easter hit, and with it, all of my favorite candy.....sometimes you just need some straight up sugar. :) But I am pretty determined to make this stick. Homegirl's body is not healthy.

So here's the long term:

- Run the half marathon down in the ole hometown in October. And make a better time. :)
- Run a marathon. (I think we all know this has been a goal for me since the beginning, and I want to make it happen!)
- Turn the "diet" in to regular eating habits.

I'm really glad we're getting the gang back together. :) We're gonna get back on the awesome train!! :)

Official start date: Monday, April 16. :)



  1. Yay!! This looks awesome! I am really excited to see all that we can accomplish together, because I know we are so capable of it! I wanna be race buddies again-- I just had flashbacks of Year 1 when all we did was laugh (and my knee didn't hurt, haha). And the pancakes! Oh, the pancakes!

    And yeah, the accountability thing totally makes sense... it is why I haven't stuck to anything for more than a few weeks here!

    1. I would love for us to be race buddies again! Maybe we should put an addendum on our lists - run the Candlelight Tour Run together again with PANCAKES!!!! :)

  2. Okay so now i feel like a slacker.....

    I'm way proud of both of you guys, I have a good feeling about this, I've been having flashbacks as well.....That was a better time in some ways and not in others. Doesn't seem that long ago but it's been a cpl years, crazy

    1. So true! I don't miss the sore muscles, but I do miss the really great runs hah. We just have to get back to the great stuff. :)
