Monday, August 10, 2009

Feel the burn, feel the burn!

Soooooo as Matt said earlier, we ran on Saturday for my Week 2 Day 3 and his repeat of the same day.  It was really cool to run on the beach, but dude, totally hard.  Even though the sand was pretty hard packed, it still gave a little bit so my calves were ON FIRE by the end.  And Matt loved the last running segment when he got the chance to leave me in the dust. :)

Today I did Week 3 Day 1, which wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.  The worst part was the last 30 seconds of the last 3 minutes of running.  Other than that it was pretty good.  I was pretty dern proud of myself. :)  I've decided that I run like an old man haha.  If you've ever seen old men run and how they take small steps and a pretty slow pace, that's how I run.  I think it's just because it's easier for me to set my pace that slow and I don't get horribly winded by the end of the very first jogging section.  But today I did try to pick up my pace a little bit the last running part.  I also decided that I'm gonna run outside once a week until it gets a bit closer and it'll be more than that closer to race time.  So I think I might get the Nike+ system since I'll be doing the running outside part so that I can start to keep track of the same stats that I can keep track of on the treadmill at the gym.  I'll let ya'll know how it goes. :)

Sadly, as Matt said, we forgot to take a picture of the beach. :(  And I meant to take a picture this morning and I forgot that too.....So here's a couple of pretty cool pictures of the sun setting while we were driving home yesterday from FL:

Hope everyone's week goes well! :)


  1. Oh I totally used to be an old man runner!! I think I conquered the younger run this spring haha. I hope anyway...

    Those are great pictures. I just really like them.

    Let me know how the Nike + thing goes! I heard about a $180 system that also tracks your heartrate. I'm really wishin i had money to throw around for it. You know I love tracking my vital signs. Or I don't know if you know that. Now you know.

  2. I was feeling it at the end of the 3 minutes too. And I think I would feel better about those pics if I didn't know they were taken while driving with no hands on the wheel!

  3. Hey now, you loved my mad driving skills! :)
