Monday, August 10, 2009

back on track!!

Phew! No need to fear, kids! I'm back to the team. I fell behind with this new work schedule and such, but I'm acclimating. So today was my Week 2, Day 3. Not bad, other than the weird side stitch sort of pains I got. I burned 146 calories and went 2.04 miles. Woohoo! Here is a goose. Thanks for remaining encouraging and not being suspicious that I was going to permanently fall off the bandwagon.

Today at work all we did was learn more about how to do computer charting. It was so so so boring. So what did I do? Sit there and eat starbursts and cookies. Oops. By the end of the day I kinda didn't feel so great. On a positive note though! By the end of the day I was craving cooked vegetables. SO WEIRD. So for dinner I made: corn, broccoli, eggplant, and tortellini. Turns out I didn't really need the pasta; the veggies were plenty. In case you need a delicious corn recipe:

1 cup frozen queen anne corn
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 tsp minced garlic
2 tsp diced red onion
salt, pepper to taste

Those measurements are estimates at best. Heat the oil and start to cook the onions and garlic. When the onions are translucent, add the corn. Salt and pepper as desired, cook til the corn is soft and delicious.

Thank you. The end. More tomorrow... week 3!!


  1. mmmm veggies! I had a chopped up cucumber and a turkey sandwich. :) It was yummy. :)

    I'm so glad you got it worked out! Honk honk!!:)

  2. Honk! I'm glad you got back on track. Not that you were all that bad off track. Regardless, YAY!!
