Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I might be a little crazy

It's been a while, I know. Please accept my sincerest apologies. :)

I didn't run last week - I was sick and in bed most of the week with a ton of coughing and congestion in my chest and nose. So yeah, NyQuil was my best friend all week. :) Today was the first day back running. I was dag gum determined to go 2 miles today. I've still had to walk during my run but today I didn't want to do any walking. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go for very long since I've been out of commission for a week so thinking that I could knock out 3 miles was kinda unreasonable. But let me tell you - I did my warm up walk and determination set in. Once I started running, I was going for it - I was gonna get to 2 miles come hell or high water hah. I went to the gym to run since the rain was pretty intense and cold. Cold rain would not be that healthy for me haha. I started my Nike+ once I started running, so I did 2 miles even. I had to coax myself in increments once I hit the mile mark - "okay just get through another quarter of a mile and see how you're doing then" was my mantra for the second mile hah. But I made it and was pretty happy about it. :)

Tuesdays are yoga days. So I immediately left the gym all sweaty and whatnot to head to yoga. I had almost slowed my heart rate back to normal by the time I get to yoga and have to make a small sprint up the stairs to get there in time haha. And then I sweat for another hour and a half. So yeah, I sweat continuously for about 2 1/2 hours haha.

Tomorrow I'm planning on running again. That's the plan, but I may not be able to walk comfortably b/c of the running and yoga. I'm trying to get ready for our FIRST 5K TOGETHER (YAY!!!!!) next Friday and it would be nice if I could actually get through the 3 miles without dying. My plan is to run almost every day leading up to the race. I set pretty high expectations for myself and up to this point, they haven't been met for reasons like my knee and foot acting up with the sickness that happened last week. So yeah, slightly disappointed in myself on the micro level of not being able to run as far as I would like, but proud of myself that only a few months ago I couldn't get anywhere near where I am now. On another positive note, I realized while on the treadmill that my pace has gotten faster than when I started running, which confirms what I thought but it was cool to actually see that on the treadmill.

I'm really excited about our race - I think it's gonna be pretty freaking awesome. :) HONK!

1 comment:

  1. I am WAAAAAYYY excited about the 5K! It's going to be so great. I honestly think I might cry at some point, maybe multiple points so ya'll please just bear with me :)
